Best Place to Put a Safe in Your House


When deciding where to put a gun safe in your home, remember that choosing a location isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. The best decisions are based on the contents and how frequently you want access to them, the type of safe, and how heavy the safe is. We’ve outlined these helpful tips for when you’re thinking through the process. 


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Tip #1: Convenience is Key

Safes and vaults that contain items you’ll be accessing frequently should be placed in areas close to where you’ll be using the items. An essential part of having a home safe for many is the convenience of having a secure location wherever you need it. What good will it do if you can’t access firearms or valuables in times of need? For example; a safe used to secure jewelry in between wears can be placed in a master bedroom, bathroom, or closet. Safes that protect guns and hobby collections can be placed in the garage, office, spare bedroom, closet, or even in a family room provided it’s inaccessible to children. 



Tip #2: Be Aware of Surroundings

Remember to consider the materials surrounding the safe or vault in whichever location you choose. Fire safes used to secure documents perform best when placed on a cement floor or against cement walls, as cement doesn’t burn like wood or plaster walls. In cases where fire safety is a priority, the garage or an unfinished basement are ideal places if you want to secure important paper items such as cash, stock certificates, wills, legal documents, contracts, etc.



Tip #3: Consider Weight Allowances

Lastly, make sure to factor in the weight of your safe or vault when choosing your location. Generally safes under 1,000 lbs. can go on second and third floors. Large safes, normally anything heavier than 1,000 lbs., should be placed on the ground floor while small safes built for handguns, like the Fort Knox Pistol Boxes, can be placed wherever you need. You may need to make special accommodations for one of the heavier safes if your home has a raised foundation. Be sure to consult an expert to make sure you have chosen an appropriate location. The last thing you want is the security of your home and your vaults compromised by making an ill-informed decision.

Even with our helpful hints, you still might want more information on the best place to put a safe and which gun vault would work for you. Don’t worry, we’re the experts on these topics. Contact Fort Knox and talk with a professional who can help you find the right safe for your needs

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