Customizing Your Gun Safe – No Problem

Each gun owner is unique. Some like to use their guns for hunting, while others enjoy collecting rare or antique weaponry. And many feel more secure protecting their family or themselves knowing they are armed. Many gun aficionados will even extensively customize their guns by engraving handles or adding extra parts and features.


For those who put so much effort into customizing their guns, it should make sense that they would want to customize their gun safe as well. Each individual’s home and gun collection is unique, and each person subsequently has different needs for their safes. A quality safe can help ensure their guns will be set to stand the test of time, as well as prevent children from accidentally accessing them.


At Fort Knox, we take pride in our ability to create customized gun safes for whatever your needs are. We don’t use assembly lines, so each safe is as unique as each of our customers. We even built a safe with the door upside down, just to show that we are willing to fulfill whatever desires our customers have. Inside and out, we can make whatever changes you need so that your safe perfectly fits your home protection needs.