Choosing a Handgun for Home Defense and Why Storing it in the Right Pistol Box is Important

It’s everyone’s right to defend themselves, their family, their home and property. A home defense weapon is one of the most popular items for this purpose. The small and compact nature of a home defense weapon makes it easier to use in small and confined spaces and hit targets from short distances. The versatility offered by a handgun offers a practical solution for home security with the right training and experience. 


Knowing how to store a home defense weapon in your home is just as important for home security as the weapon you buy.  A traditional gun safe is not as convenient for quick and easy access. There are unique benefits to investing in a handgun safe specifically for a home defense weapon. Fort Knox offers top-of-the-line pistol safes to keep every handgun safe and secure, yet accessible.


What To Look For In A Handgun For Self Defense


Finding the right home defense weapon will depend on the owner and is often left to some debate. While some of the qualities depend on personal preference, there are some important specifications to keep in mind:


  • Power
  • Size/concealment
  • Weight
  • Semi-automatic
  • Capacity 


People with a concealed carry license may want a handgun to carry with them at all times and another for keeping safe and secure at home. The characteristics may be slightly different, but many of the most important qualities are similar.




When it comes to the power (caliber) of the handgun, people tend to focus on a 9mm, .40 or .45. The 9mm typically offers less recoil than a .40 and a .45. However, a .45 has a significant advantage when it comes to momentum and stopping power. For a home defense gun, a high-powered handgun usually isn’t the safest option when you consider the damage it could do to the property. A 9mm is typically a good compromise and offers plenty of power with an accurate shot.




A good fit between hand and grip is essential for proper gun control. Just because a handgun is small doesn’t mean it won’t have the power to stop an intruder in their tracks. The gun needs to be big enough for the owner to comfortably fit it in their shooting hand while still being able to control for maximum accuracy.




The weight of the handgun should be light enough for the person to carry with one hand comfortably, which allows them to open doors and survey their surroundings while still keeping it controlled. Consider the number of rounds the gun will hold as well, the weight could become heavy with the additional rounds added.




A semi-automatic home defense weapon is ideal so people can fire multiple rounds in a short amount of time. Every second matters when it comes to home security and semi-autos are a good compromise between an automatic and single shot.




Handguns with a high round capacity are typically the choice for a home defense weapon. Running out of ammunition can be a matter of life or death in an emergency situation, so a large ammunition capacity can bring you confidence that you won’t run out of ammunition if multiple shots need to be fired.


Why Storing Your Handgun In A Pistol Box Is Important


Storing the weapon in a pistol safe is important for additional safety and for protecting your investment. The carpet lining in a pistol lock box protects the gun from getting scratched or damaged. With the dimensions of most pistol safes being smaller than a shoebox, storing it in a closet, vehicle, camper or any other accessible area is simple. The most important thing is to keep it out of the reach of children, and even out of their sight if possible. The combination lock provides quick access to the gun, which is extremely important when people are in a self-defense situation. Fort Knox’s pistol safes are strong and durable with a 10-gauge body and a 3/16” plate door, which makes them the most secure in the industry.


So why couldn’t a person simply store their home defense weapon in a traditional gun safe? One of the biggest reasons is because of accessibility. The mechanical lock on a pistol safe and compact nature of a handgun safe provides for quick and easy opening if someone finds themselves in a defense situation. Mounting or storing a pistol lock box in an accessible location is easy. People typically mount it near their bed or close by, which is usually not the case with a traditional gun safe due to its size.


The Fort Knox Difference


As a special reward from Fort Knox Vaults, included in your purchase is a Front Sight 2-Day Handgun Training Certificate. This certificate allows you to attend, free of all tuition charges, Front Sight’s 2 Day Defensive Handgun course. This course normally sells for $1000 but is yours free. Once your order is placed, you will be sent an official certificate to redeem at Front Sight.


Fort Knox offers dependable and secure pistol safes to protect firearms and ensure they are accessible when people need them most. With a variety of size and shape options, customers can find exactly what they need for their specific situation, and they even offer customization options. Check out all of their pistol box options and contact them with any questions.

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